Saturday, September 15, 2012


If someone doesn't want to be your friend, do you ever want to stop them from having other relationships, like if they want to make it look like you did something wrong when you didn't?


I guess first you learn you're not right and then you're not punished.

Taking Advantage of Others

Do you know someone who takes advantage of others for bad reasons when they don't of others in that way????

In Trouble

Oh, so you're not in trouble, and I'm not supposed to be, so you get on other "sides."

I don't have to explain myself every time.


I DO NOT sit here and praise other people for being in relationships I should be in.




"Already Did It?"

People from the Northeast don't like to go through "what" they do, ever.

Something That ^Matters^

There are some rules set, and sometimes people will totally attack you against something that's not true.

Being Annoyed

I don't need to know others's private thoughts as a first oncoming event.

Also, technology already seriously annoys me.




We all understand different people talk to different people who don't talk to different people, COMPLETELY.
Gay people are mean.
L.A. is just trash.


People in the South are all just selfish.  }:{

Using People

People like to use things in your relationship with others against you, a LOT!

The Northeast

I think the Northeast even copies the Northeast.

Latching On

I see the South has latched onto the Northeast in various ways.

Bothering People, Literally Insulting Them, Literally!

Why are people so into blaming the nice guy, like hurting them???  Words can hurt???


I realized no one likes me because I'm indian.

What They Would Do

And then you find out "what they would do."  }:D

In the Relationship

Ever find out "what" someone really didn't do in the relationship?

"Too nice

Some people discriminate and don't want some people to be as fun, just to be "too nice."


People want me to give up something about my personality to feel less pleasure.


People are checking out how trashy I feel.  I will retract when I feel guilty.  They suggest things are better than they are.

Getting Mad

Some people get mad, want to get in the dirt, and then get mad.


I find people from England rude.


Some people want to do disagreeable things sometimes, too.

Getting Mad

I guess when people get antsy and guilty they get mad.


So... I was hoping to look up to someone who was accepted by most people.. :/ Whatever that means.


Howcome everyone is trying to milk to me like "what" they didn't do?

Appearing Bad

Why do some people think you have to look bad?


It seems like some people don't ever want me to feel settled.

Random Checking In?

I noticed people randomly disapprove of me for no reason.


Will everyone always be ahead of me, racially?

Bad People

Why do I always have to be concerned with people who do the wrong things, for entertainment?

Getting Mad

What do you think of people giving up things for you and then getting mad at you because of it?

Figuring out What You Want

Do you know of people who don't figure out what they want in the end first before reacting?

Overly Giving

People mess up doing too much for me to impress others.

Brain Scan

I just got my brain scanned.  This is my 2nd time.

I'm not entirely at home, so it's hard for me to process thoughts right now.

So, I was sitting there and it was so cool, all this tech stuff.

Anyway, so, I guess something interesting is that when I tried to pick up my arm it hurt so badly this time I could not try to pick it up again.  They had a needle in it, and I felt like milky fluid squirting like down my arm.  I've had acupuncture forced on me before, too, and it hurt.  It's where they put needles all over your body, or in one place, and pump air all throughout it.  It hurt so much!  You're not supposed to feel it.  It's hard to imagine living like that.  I thought I was gonna pass out all throughout it.  It was like I was gonna die, though.  I guess the radiation affected my brain.
See you all, a little later...


Howcome some people only listen to some people?

I guess some people "are" safe listeners for various reasons.

Making Sense

Some things don't really make sense, anyway.

I guess we are all in fear of being judged, for some reason.

Defeating the Purpose

Don't some things defeat the purpose, of what you're ultimately doing?


So, what do you dep

So, what do you do when reality comes into play?

Tweet @TheEllenShow 1

It's nice to have a variety of people to set as good examples. :p

I just realized that when people think the end has come that it hasn't really. :p

Anyway ... Interesting Tweet. :)

I never looked healthy when I had hair as short as a boy. :p That would be 3 times. I let it grow out each time ...

In high school, I cut my hair and didn't take a picture. It was angled and with bangs. I tried to layer it as a young adult and dye it red, but it ended up looking like a punk. :p Red doesn't dye well over pitch black.

I suppose I would prefer to style it.

Wait, how can I style frizzy hair? I can't straighten it and don't wish to get a perm because, like the dye, it would ruin the texture.

I used to be big on being natural, too. My hair used to be smooth and very wavy as in like curled under.

For some reason, my hair was also frizzy. I guess it was okay when it was straight with a bounce. I don't know why I got such frizzy hair. It's not as frizzy as it used to be.

Michelle Obama at first was acting Dutch. I don't think the Obamas have as dark of eyes as my mom, so I guess I felt different. :|

Well, we all know that drinks are supersized. :| I guess fighting obesity is a worthy cause as well as frequent pit stops. :p

Haha! Yea, why bother asking for another cup? 8o

Hey, I saw Finding Nemo 3D, last night. Things haven't been so smooth, lately, but I most enjoyed the beginning before the show when they had those crazy animations lighting up and bouncing up and down from the bathtub.

I basically laughed at all the fish around you when it was funny but didn't laugh at you. You're the only reason I can stand the show, but that might be the same idea with everyone. :| We watched this a lot for my brother. I think he had a fetish with it. It seems to be his favorite big movie. He got a dog when I stopped watching Scooby Doo and Atlantis 2 and The Rescuers with him at night.

At the end, I poked at Dory and then squished it. When people were still there, I think they thought I was gay. Thanks a lot, Mrs. Ellen DeGeneres! }:[

I guess I got it out at the beginning when I first saw the clownfish. 8o

I thought when I saw this that I didn't like any animations and then saw Monsters, Inc., at the beginning and end. I don't really like the main characters, kinda like with Finding Nemo...

So, I guess I was having a bad time, and I almost killed myself in the bathtub. It wasn't dangerous, and I knew I wouldn't die. When I lived in Slidell, I fell asleep in the bathtub.

You know, I told my dad I didn't want to see this movie. I saw it advertised and decided to see it. I mean, I've seen it. The experience was okay, though. It's kinda like going to Disney World, you've seen it, and everyone has seen it.

Growing up, I was dragged to things like Star Wars, and I ended up not missing any cartoons nor family movies. Star Wars is a respectable franchise, but I don't really understand it nor can I.


Was I ever destined to live life the right way?

Tim Burton

Tim Burton wants to be convinced that people with older parents are more deserving.

Special Things

Do you know people who like to take away something special from you?


Some people only do things for the sake of competition against one or so other people.

People Who Don't Like to Think

I'm pretty tired of people doing things without explaining|thinking their thoughts through and arriving at an ultimate conclusion.

Wrong Decisions

The worst thing you can do is make the wrong decisions as a young person and waste your time and like as an actor leave movies out there for people to see when only later did you make the right decision, more informed, yet something you could have done when you were younger.

The U.S.

Ever find the U.S. on a mistaken path?

Copying the U.S.

It seems that people in Europe copied the U.S.  They just keep going.

My Brother

I guess my brother thought from birth that he was better than me.

Tim Burton and Ellen DeGeneres

I wonder why Tim Burton with Helena Bonham Carter and Ellen DeGeneres with the world try to like line them up like unfeeling robots.  Ellen DeGeneres I fear takes away the essence of things.  Tim Burton I fear tries to make Helena Bonham Carter hurt others's feelings.

I wonder if Tim Burton wishes he made art in other styles in his drawings.  I think I can draw like him and see things like him but not in as a pen-sketchy sort of way.

I'm thinking of his stop motion animations...  :/  They have a certain feeling each to them.  There's more to it than that I could say.  Anyway, it's funny how 2D it seems, I guess.


Why should I have to fight?


For some reason, I was wondering if I should put my arm across this person's waist, like so they wouldn't let go or I forget you know some other reason.  It seemed like they did awhile but didn't, I think.

My Night and My Dream

It was quite a giving in nightmare, if you wanna know what I mean, but why would you wanna know about that?  I knew I couldn't ever truly give in, and I wouldn't.  It did ruin the night for me but shouldn't really, not something I should do.  Anyway, when I was in the bathtub last night, I was able to make myself stimulated in a certain area at first by thinking.  I felt bad, after, though.  I stayed in the tub, with the lights out.  I eventually let myself float in the water, knowing it was like I might die from drowning.  I was dreaming about something and I put myself under water in my dream or something and woke up squirting water out of my nose.  I stayed in the water awhile, still stimulated, just an effect, but not in a good way.

So, I remember part of my dream.  There was someone there I was dreaming of putting there arm around me for some reason and I was wondering if they were possibly 2 inches shorter or taller, depending on if they had heels on maybe.  It sorta went around, and we were like in this area that had a factory feel, sorta an open area with metal blocks, all silvery and metal and big and open.  She eventually disappeared.  I didn't want to think of people any taller|bigger.  I kinda fumbled for a second.

Then, I guess, I was maybe in a different setting, like school, in the same kind of place, which turned into I was like at a hospital or doctor's office.  Eventually, I got a lady I dreamed about before, I think, with white skin, just a slight gold hue, thin and supple, about 5'6", shaped more slick, a Middle Easterner who was nice like a Spanish person but more supple and rubbery.

Before I saw the lady, I was with a friend and her nose had like maybe 5 big holes in it with like seeds of dirt in it.  I was looking at mine, a series of cells of brown and some small holes just a little bigger than what I have, though I think in reality they're not as big as I made them out to be..  not now, especially, and not seedy-looking.  It's more like being plugged up with something watery.  I was concerned about my friend, but she went away.

I went with the Middle Eastern lady eventually and saw a guy, maybe the one with sorta hair with little crimps in it, gray, down a little past his ears or to his ears and a mustache, just a little fat.  I think there was a guy there with short, pretty straight black hair, too.  One person told another it was the exception I see this lady now after my appointment because it was the serious issue.  My mom and brother were there, my brother maybe younger than he is now.  They were social with her as we went into a room.  The door opened, and for some reason I saw the room next door, too, kinda breezy or frozen seeming.  There were chairs.  The room was a rectangle, or at least the chairs were.  I was playing musical chairs between near the front, more in the back, ending up a little to the side, trying to be front center, maybe getting off center a bit.  The other three seemed to be changing around, at one point like in the 2nd row front center or maybe usually around there.

I know there was more, but it's hard to remember.

Oh yes, after wanting to be with that lady, I went to a school setting, kinda like in the nation's oldest city where I lived once, with different people.  I wasn't late and there was time for some reason.  I think there were things there, in front of the school, like metallic figures or kinda rather stony figures.  I don't think I ever went in.  I was just standing there and soaking it in, some other adults I think sorta stalking outside, being kinda forward-seeming, maybe one being an African-American lady and another a man, like with the ear length crimpy gray hair and mustache.