Friday, September 14, 2012


I can't remember the peak of my dream and all the details.  Anyway, it was about Ellen DeGeneres hosting something.

Oh yes, she was staying at my house for some reason, which was a big warped.  At first, I've left for school and am in some room, sorta in pain but not real writhing type of pain.  I was waiting for my report card.  My mom came and I got it.  I was with my brother.  It was hard to read it.  We were outside the house and left it on the car and went in.  I closed the door.  A small black bear, which I'd dreamed about apparently, was trying to come in.  She locked the door.  I ended up going out later way out to the school and a small dog was chasing me which I coaxed.  I like having a person I can trust, sometimes, like my mom...  I think I was feeling like antsy and nervous and scared and wanted "Ellen DeGeneres" with me.  I guess I made it back home.  My report card hard different rows, with like 20s and 30s and history was like over 100s.  Like 102, 182, maybe 132.  It was a paper with like a place you can rip, kinda landscape with gray sorta typewriter, somewhat smooth type letters.

At some point, there was like this big party in the family, maybe other people, maybe not.  I got down prepared Caesar salad ... lettuce, dressing, croutons, maybe chicken, and breadsticks.  My aunt, who works with giving blood, training people now, gave my dad a foam container of chicken Caesar salad and another of bread with maybe something like thick garlic and shaped kinda muffin-y with a container of dressing to dunk it with, maybe Caesar.  She also gave me $20.  I think this was sometime last week, when my dad was out 3 days in a row, Tuesday-Thursday.  I was having a ball.  I guess I was thinking of "Ellen DeGeneres."  So, she's like actually from the precise region I'm from, a New Orleans suburb, and her mom is from New Orleans and I read her dad is from out of the U.S.  So, I was just regenerating feelings I had there for people and sorta yearning for attention, in a more developed way for myself.  I realize Britney Spears is from the same heritage as well, stretching across Mississippi and more northern of the New Orleans area.  However, I didn't move there until I was 12 and moved away as a young adult.

So, I was with "Ellen DeGeneres" a lot.  I guess I wasn't going to bed or something, and anyway there was no more school.  That history class I took in 12th grade when I switched schools.  I guess she was talking to me, and I talked to her.  She was nice, kinda long and thin but supple but not in a juicy way.  It's sorta the feeling you're close to someone and touching them and they want to feel the connection, not just a disconnected touch.  I wish I remembered all I did.  I might have went back out or something and she followed me.  I was with her awhile.  It's not that I expected her to be there nor knew why she was in my dream like that.  I had watched clips of her show a few times online.  I'm catching it on TV, as well, every day.  I wish I remembered what I did exactly, but she was a great comfort for some reason, sorta protected me socially, like my mom did.  I know my brother was in it.  He was looking funny, like the kid  with a hump in Frankenweenie except sorta orangey tan and with a big nose.  However he looked, he tried to fix himself up.  I told him we'd work out together, but he does do physical activity now, at least in the summer moreso and some at school.  My dad came in and seemed happy I was doing that.  I remember now, also, I had a friend in it and I had thought of my dad and it was for some reason as though we were each copying each others's dads.  I said, though, I'd give "Ellen DeGeneres" priority and we'd do something the next day, which was Tuesday or Monday.  Probably Monday.  It just sounded like Tuesday for some reason.  :D  So, we were as though, maybe she was kinda laughing and talking.  She was so friendly.  I had no idea why she was camping at my house in this dream, but I liked to be with her in the same place.  However, I'm too embarrassed to want to be on her show, anyway.  I'm hoping I win tickets to the premiere of Frankenweeie, though, and meet Tim Burton.  It's so sad, I don't remember more how Ellen DeGeneres showed up and sorta comforted me in my dream.  Like, she was there, her presence.  I guess it was as though I was taller than I was.  Like, I felt kinda hurt in my dream, maybe from the days, and she was just there and sorta awake physically too me though I didn't find her very commanding.  I'm so sad I don't remember more because not much really happened, for some reason, except the feeling that she was interjecting in my life, which was a good, protective feeling for me, for some reason.  She just commanded respect and morality, whereas for some strange reason I never did, though in a way I did ultimately and had the most fun.  :|  I guess I'm thinner today from jogging and doing strength training I think 2 days in a row now.  I've been working out before that, too, jogging maybe every other day lately mostly or like skipping Saturday and Sunday jogging as much.  So, I was supple, like a little fat yet kinda scrawny, my 5'1", which I can be 5'6", too.

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