I dreamed I went to choir. My clock said 9 and I thought it was 8, but it was 10. There were more girls there my age, and I was happy. The director put her hand on my shoulder so I didn't totally notice, though it gave me a warm, metally feeling. Then, I sat next to her, and she put her arm all the way around me and the other like on my shoulder. The thought was sorta a wild battle. Then, my leg rubbed up against her. Some other thoughts happened. There was glorious music, which I Was really listening to, for a long time, as I left. She followed me out as I weaved other places and didn't see her, a huge church.
It was a little weird, too. The church was like a gymnasium or emporium.
It was just a nice feeling that it happened, but it didn't really feel real for some reason.
The person was glorious. Quite bubbly and sharp.
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