I was remembering them before.
I guess I'll go into the 2nd one 1st, which isn't as lodged into my memory.
*Sigh* Nothing exciting in my subconscious dreams about Ellen DeGeneres, this time. :(
So, I know I was going somewhere at this point. We crossed the road to a playground. We had just eaten whatever each of our "lunches" were. So, supposedly this was polished versions of my second cousins's kids and kids.. It reminded me of Tim Burton's son in how it was soft but more thin and in a different way rather supple, in a funny way, too. So, they were all around. Well, their parents were there, too, and they still looked young as ever. So, I was going around the playground, walking, romping maybe like as though side to side, the very oldest and biggest in this. They were all still quite little. Like toddlers and in fact not all in it. I think there were warped versions. So, it started one was atop a slide trying to say this was the chocolate place we were to come to, but I was convinced it was dirty water. I went on another thing, and there were snails on the side. With the girl we had to like bar our way down a slide or something, and I told her it wouldn't hurt if she fell. It was pretty tall. So, on the other thing I guess it was apparently pretty dangerous, like I couldn't hold my balance. It actually slowly in a way fell over completely. Ooh wow, but I survived fine, see, no worries. I don't remember what else happened so much. There were negotiations and people interacting.
It's hard to remember the other one, now, for some reason, something like school, ah yes. I said I was switching out of like 4 classes, like it was my last year. I was like winding up at the stress or winding down, in my head. So, I got in band. I wanted to do flute. I pointed there and asked a friend. There were on both sides, back and on the other side front, like maybe over 100 flutes. So, I got clarinet with my friend's little sister, who was very small in this but not very skinny. I said, I wanted to play clarinet, like before. Then, I said I wanted to play oboe, with a smile, like really, and maybe how I tried and couldn't. The clarinet leads to oboe, the hardest instrument.
Well, those are the two main things.
In the one about the playground, which I think was second, at first, I was groping through frozen pizza and other things we don't have in the freezer. There were different sizes but none standard. There was one set apart for my brother that was more appetizing, I could tell because it had somehow for some reason a double layer shell with ham added on top. Like taco shells. I guess I cooked something up and it was supposedly that I went and ate it with my family. It was a sorta lethargic, lazy scene, though. My dad was like up in a regiment.
It was cute seeing my cousins with mousy, bouncy, thick hair, kinda like tapered at the ends or more wet at the ends moreso. They were like cute versions of the real thing, cute in reality but like played down.
I only know of one cousin who is older, but she was never around. I did e-mail her when I started high school. She is 2 years older. She has I think plenty older relatives on her side.
So, it was a nice dream. I guess the exciting part was in the playground fighting the obstacles for some reason. It was like being in a war. We were basically stranded.
Oh, yes, I was cleaning my bathtub after taking a bath and there was a round thing with spikes and maybe other body parts, well yes, supposedly I guess a bumblebee. The tub was draining and I was gonna cup it out. However, it turned into a little moat at the end and I found more bigger body parts that would somehow make it a bigger kind of bug, like a big grasshopper cockroach, which really somehow freaked me out beyond words. I think the round thing was yellow, supposedly with black splatters. The rest were supposedly the same yet now a different color. I just left it and was gonna get a janitor to take care of it. I was just going around. It was disgusting when I realized I was lying in my tub with that thing.
So, it was funny, I guess we had somehow feasted, though I don't think we did, and we were going across the wildnerness, feeling in danger, unprotected and set up. We crossed a road. There were very very tall, somewhat skinny, darker green trees and a dusty dirt road. The dusty playground was hidden behind more trees. We were still wanting chocolate. I said I wanted a big thing of chocolate, like stuff put together. Some fit black girls were with me and approved, kinda not looking at me so much, though. 2 I think. Kinda supple, I know, especially 1.
We were so barren when we realized we were deserted but made it through okay emotionally somehow. The kids were a big wide-eyed, I might say. I think they were worried.
I seem to remember another interaction, maybe with older kids, but it's hard to remember.
Also, I was talking to someone about JROTC and that I had done it, Junior Reserve Officers Training Corpse, the military, a different branch at each public high school. It was just mentioned. Something else, too, I think.
So, kinda a barren, hungry dream, needless to say, better than previous ones.
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