Friday, September 21, 2012


I remember at the beginning I was like looking over at some place from a bunch of spider webs and spiders, a long rectangle, representing people I like. I like climbed slithered, too and from there.

I rememeber also I was in bed and I felt where I worked out the touch of someone from the rectangle. It comforted me. It was like a triangle along my hips.

I guess what else was important was my safety. There was someone there who was like defending me from others in another room, while I was on my bed. I think she came over and was supposed to supposedly pick me up, and it was kinda like the thought happened. So, that's what happened there for a little while. I didn't feel safe in bed, but I wanted to be alone.

I had a dream someone was in bed and a stuffed animal came, supposedly was the person I saw, a small long thin light teddy bear, but it wasn't and looked different and a little bigger, asking to borrow money.

Then, I was in a kitchen and said hi to someone and was okay. Then another person came in wearing a Halloween shirt and was using something yellow. I was okay, but she insisted she wore it to say I was Asian, in how she acted, I told somehow. I became mad and went around getting more food, which included yogurt with nuts. I told someone else, who defended me, and someone else and the first person.

I guess, it was nice to be sheltered partway by someonie. I don't quite want to remember the details of the thoughts nor why it happened, but I guess it would be a good thing, better if I felt better.

I think the most romantic part was the person behind the webs.

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