Wednesday, September 19, 2012


It's hard to remember all of it. I remember I was going around. We were walking along a highway, gives me a feel with the struggles with "The Ellen DeGeneres Show." There was one lane with a cute name we walked along. We were gonna go a "cooler" way, but it said to butterfly into this. It was like a second road sticking out. We all sat around. There was like a paper of music, and the 2nd song seemed like a church or gospel spirit song. It was, however, "Ding Dong Merrily on High." I sang it and was loud right before the high part and kinda at the end. There was, you know, maybe 20 people there. I remember an obese black person with sorta big folded over eyes. I had a relative there it was interesting to "perform" for. I didn't know the rest of the songs. It was a bleak setting, black.

It was a sentimental feel, reminding me of the seriousness of "The Ellen DeGeneres Show."

So, I guess I still am tired because I didn't really sleep that much and was on my couch. I'm also hungry.

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