Sunday, September 23, 2012


So, I was upset how I was being picked at for the "n" word thing. I'm not sure why I have to take it in stride, but I mean I would sometimes to be nice. It just seems that people have twisted the meanings and pretty much been mean to me. It was't even me that decided I wanted to do it. The other person seemed like they wanted me to do it, and their parents seemed to ask me to do it figuratively. So, it's like beating a dead horse, in that way. It seemed important, though, and was a big deal. Like, maybe they would practice torture if I did not submit, but I honestly don't think that would be a danger. You could always defend yourself and not get in habits of being too perfect. :| I've already been through how sorry I was.

I'm suffering some stress in part of my female parts, though, and I'm not sure why. I didn't feel this before this happened. 8|

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